Tag Archives: Walter Benjamin


“(Tele)pathy” by Walter Benjamin
Translated by Manuela Kölke

Two options for experimental research. 1) The more the habit of the police to use media for tracking down of criminals in difficult and important cases will spread, the more the protection from such procedures will become a vital concern for the criminals. Thus, the question will present itself (to the criminals) if there are any measures which can prevent an action to enter into the focus of a telepath and if so, which ones.

In particular, whether those measures have any relation to the external implementation of that action or to the intentions of the actor or to both. – 2) The gambling hall is an excellent laboratory for telepathic experiments. The lucky gambler is, as shall be assumed here, in contact of telepathic sorts and it shall be further assumed that this contact subsists between him and the ball, though not between him and the server attending the ball. If this would be the case, it would then be the task of the gambler to have this contact not disturbed by anyone. Who now takes into consideration how intense jealousy, the need for affection, curiosity in the gambling hall are capable of relating the gambler to his colleagues can estimate the difficulty to deviate (deflect/divert) such intentions and thereby to escape all adversary suggestions. Such a tense and yet casual attitude of the gambler isn’t possible to enforce from elsewhere through entêtement, as the loosing gambler often attempts to only to increase his loss. Maybe one could imagine the scheme of such an isolation of the lucky gambler in the following way.


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